Geography - Class 6

The Earth: Our Habitat

Chapter 4: Maps

Question 1. Answer the following questions briefly.

  1. What are the three components of a map?

    Answer:  The three components of a map are distance, direction & symbol.

  2. What are the four cardinal directions?

    Answer: The four cardinal directions are East West North and South. The other four intermediate directions are North-East, south- east, south-west, and north-west.

  3. What do you mean by the term ‘the scale of the map’?

    Answer: Scale is the ratio between the actual distance on the ground and the distance shown on the map. A small distance on paper represents a large distance on the ground, a scale is chosen for this purpose.

  4. How are maps more helpful than a globe?

    Answer: Maps are more helpful than a globe because we can study any country, state, district, town, and village separately from a map. From a globe, we can study the earth as a whole only.

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  6. Distinguish between a map and a plan.


    Map Plan
    A map is a representation or a drawing of the Earth's surface. A plan is a drawing of a small area on a large scale.
    We can draw things on larger scales. We can draw things on a smaller scale like the length and breadth of a room.

  7. Which map provides detailed information?

    Answer: Large scale map provides detailed information.

  8. How do symbols help in reading maps?


    1. It is not possible to draw the actual shape and size of different features such as buildings, roads, bridges, trees, railway lines, on a map. That's why different symbols are used in their places.
    2. These symbols give a lot of information in a limited space.
    3. Maps can be drawn easily and are simple to read.
    4. Even if you don’t know the language of an area, you can collect information from maps with the help of these symbols.
    5. Maps have a universal language that can be understood by all.

Question 2. Tick the correct answer.

  1. Maps showing distribution of forests are
    1. Physical map
    2. Thematic Map
    3. Political map
  2. The blue colour is used for showing
    1. Water bodies
    2. Mountains
    3. Plains
  3. A compass is used –
    1. To show symbols
    2. To find the main direction
    3. To measure distance
  4. A scale is necessary
    1. For a map
    2. For a sketch
    3. For symbols


  1. (ii) Thematic map
  2. (i)Water bodies
  3. (ii) To find the main direction
  4. (i) For a map


Question 1. Find out the following directions from the Figure 4.1: (a) The direction of the Community Centre, the playground from Vikas’s house (b) the direction of school from shops.


  1. The direction of the Community Centre: North
    the playground from Vikas’s house: North-east
  2. The direction of school from shops: East

Question 2. Look at the Figure 4.4 and find out :

  1. In which direction is the river flowing?
  2. What kind of road passes by the side of village Dumri?
  3. On what type of railway line is Sunderpur situated?
  4. On which side of the railway bridge is the police station situated?
  5. On which side of the railway line do the following lie :
    1. Chhatri
    2. Church
    3. Pond
    4. Mosque
    5. River
    6. Post and Telegraph Office
    7. Graveyard


  1. Downwards
  2. Metalled road
  3. Broad gauge railway line
  4. In the south
    1. Chhatri - south
    2. Church – south-west
    3. Pond - north
    4. Mosque – north-west
    5. River- south-east
    6. Post and Telegraph Office – south-west
    7. Graveyard- south