NCERT Solutions For Class 10 SCIENCE

NCERT Solutions For Class 10 SCIENCE

Class 10 Science NCERT book contains several terms that are difficult to remember. Also, while writing the board examination, you are required to be aware of all the important topics of each chapter. Hence, in reference to the previous year papers of Class 10 boards, our subject experts have carefully observed the exam pattern and the ideal answers recorded by CBSE. Hence, solutions were drafted strictly as per the class 10 Science NCERT textbook.

The class 10 Science NCERT solutions have been laid down by the subject experts, keeping in mind the right method to write an individual answer referring only class 10 Science NCERT book.

In order to help surfing through the solutions easily, we have categorized different chapters of the class 10 Science NCERT book as per their respective domains namely Physics, Biology, and Chemistry.

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You can click on the desired link below and explore through the class 10 Science NCERT solutions that have been constructed according to the latest CBSE syllabus and board exam pattern along with a detailed explanation to each question of each chapter.

FREE NCERT Solutions For Class 10 Science

All the chapters given above contain various concepts and detailed Class 10 Science NCERT Solutions which need to be practised and revised thoroughly.

Chapter 1 : Chemical Reactions and Equations

The first chapter in cbse class 10 curriculum offers a wide range of basics that enables the student to form a strong foundation for further concepts that are included in chapters ahead. This chapter explains the different types of chemical reactions and a lot of experiments that give an in-depth understanding of the reactions in chemistry. These reactions are : combination, decomposition, displacement, double displacement and oxidisation and reduction reactions. Further the affects of redox reactions are mentioned namely : corrosion and rancidity.

Chapter 2 : Acids, Bases and Salts

This chapter offers a lot of concepts that are easy to grasp. It deals in all chemical properties of acids and bases how they react with metals and non-metals with their carbonates, bi-carbonates and oxides. to provide a better understanding there are a number of experiments provided so that the student gets a good insight of the chemical properties of acids and bases. The phenomena of Ph is also explained in order to measure the strongness or weakness of any chemical compound. Cbse class10 ncert solution for science offers a lot of concepts that come in handy during examinations.

Chapter 3 : metals and non-metals

Cbse class 10 science includes a number of experiments and activities which help the students in grasping the concepts with ease so that it helps them in examination. This chapter lays down the chemical and physical properties of metals and non-metals. Basically the reactivity of metals and non-metals are explained with air, acids and bases. The extraction of the metals and non-metals is studied on the baisi of their occurrence on the reactivity series so that the idea of their use and extraction can be explained to the students with the help of reactions and their detailed process.

Chapter 4 : Carbon and its Compounds

As the name suggests, this chapter focuses on carbon- the 6th element on the periodic table and its properties. This chapter also introduces allotropes and covalent bonds. With the help of nomenclature of the carbon family it’s functional groups are explained with which carbons forms many ionic and covalent bonds depending on the valency. Further in the chapter the chemical properties of different carbon compounds is studied in reactions like combustion, oxidisation, addition reaction and substitution reaction alongside properties of ethanol and ethanoic acid. At last chemical properties of soaps and detergents is explained that are also carbon based compounds .

Chapter 5 : Periodic Classification of Elements

This chapter introduces the concept of recording the different elements in chemistry in a systematic records and all the systems that ever existed. Starting with the Döbereiner’s triads which recorded the elements in the form of 3 elements at a time. Then came Newlands’ Law of Octaves which was eventually discarded due to its limitation of recording heavy elements. Finally explaining the presently acceptable mendelev’s periodic table that contains 118 elements at present.

Chapter 6 : Life Processes

With this chapter, begins the biology segment of cbse class 10 science. Explaining the different life processes that are constantly keeping the human body alive, this chapter offers an insight on the human body functions like nutrition, respiration, excretion, transportation thereby explain the important body parts like the human digestive system, the lungs, human heart and the excretion mechanism in the body. A number of illustrations provided in the chapter help a lot in understanding the various processes happening in the body.

Chapter 7 : Control and Coordination

This chapter deals in the nervous system and its working due to which the human body keeps its control. Hereby explaining the smallest unit of the nervous system – a neuron, the chapter progresses towards the human brain and the protection of this system. The mechanism for coordination in plants is also explained using the response to stimulus like light and touch and movement due to growth. Further discussing the hormonal behaviour in animals with detailed explaination regarding all the hormones and the glands that secrete them there laying the body map of all the important parts of the body responsible for maintain the running of essential fluids throughout the body.

Chapter 8 : How do Organisms Reproduce?

The next chapter from cbse class 10 science syllabus offers a plethora of concepts that help the student understand the process and mechanism that supports the reproduction process in living bodies. The chapter is divided into 2 segments dealing with sexual and asexual reproduction, the latter being the application on single-celled organisms thereby discussing fission, regeneration, fragmentation, budding, vegetative propagation and spore formation. The sexual reproduction system is discussed in detail for plants as well as animals including diseases and reproductive health in animals.

Chapter 9 : Heredity and Evolution

Chapter 9 of cbse class 10 science helps in understanding a number of concepts presented in a lucid way in order to help students in performing their exams. This chapter is basically based on the the previous chapter and is an application on sexual reproduction in animals. The chapter evolves around traits and evolution. By discussing inherited and acquired traits it enhances the students horizon by explaining the mendel’s theory of inheritance of traits. It also discusses the idea of sex determination in the case of human beings and other concepts with the help of theories and illustrations that provide with the right amount of detail.

Chapter 10 : Light – Reflection and Refraction

With this chapter the segment of physics begins in cbse class 10 science. This chapter reveals reflection and refraction of light on spherical mirrors with the help of a number of diagrams that not only help in explaining the concept but also help in making a foundation for higher classes as the topics are continued in higher classes. A new concept of magnification and refractive index is introduced and the chapter is concluded with uses of concave and convex mirrors.

Chapter 11 : The Human Eye and the Colourful World

As the name suggest this chapter of cbse class 10 science is all about the human eye and how we perceive the world with our eyes. Beginning with a detailed introduction about the human eye this chapter proceeds to various defects in the human eye like myopia, hypermyopia and presbyopia. Refraction in the real world is explained by taking the example of a prism and them throwing a light on atmospheric refraction and scattering of light.

Chapter 12 : Electricity

This chapter in cbse class 10 science includes the the concept of electricity, electric current and circuit. It introduces the idea of resistence with the help of ohm’s law and along with diagrams and illustrations it helps the students in understanding the concept. It explains resistence and resistors along with types of resistors with its patterns- parallel and seri es. Thereby with the help of numericals and experiments it explains the topic.

Chapter 13 : Magnetic Effects of Electric Current

This chapter begins with defining the magnetic field and lines and proceeds to conductors and its features. It discusses the idea of electric motor , electromagnetic induction and electric generator that help with the application based questions to be performed in the examination. Then there is the concept of domestic electric circuits that are explained in an easy to understand language.

Chapter 14: Sources of Energy

This chapter in cbse class 10 science explains different sources of energies namely: conventional and non-conventional. The former is explained with the help of fossil fuels, thermal energy, wind energy and solar energy. After discussing the improvements in it the latter is discussed using solar and other forms of non-conventional energies. The chapter is written in such a way that the student is able to interpret it to the fullest meaning.

Chapter 15 : Our Environment

This chapter contains the concepts of the ecosystem and the items which surround it. The chapter proceeds to discuss foodchains an food webs and there effects th concur with the nature. The loss of energy and the depleting ozone layer is discussed in detail in order to help them form an idea about the environment and then the chapter concludes by discussing waste management and its proper disposal in order to save the nature.

Chapter 16 : Management of Natural Resources

As the name of the chapter suggests , it revolves around the question “ what are we doing with the nature and its resources?”. Here the idea is to make students realise the importance of the depleting natural resources and how the stakeholders of nature are exploiting it. Then a brief description of sustainable development is provided as the concept of resource management is considered a hot topic. The depleting situation of the resources at an alarming rate is mentioned on water, coal and petroleum and other natural resources.