NCERT English - Class 6

Honeysuckle - Prose

Chapter 6: Who I Am


Part I - Many Voices

A.Answer the following questions.

Question 1.Peter’s favourite day of the week is Sunday because

Answer:on this day his family goes to a cinema hall and enjoy together.

Question 2.Nasir wants to learn

Answer:how to collect and preserve cotton seeds.

Question 3.Dolma believes that she can make a good Prime Minister because

Answer:she wants to make things better for everyone and have good roads, hospitals and schools.

B.Write True or False against each of the following statements.

  1. Peter is an only child ……………….
  2. When Serbjit gets angry he shouts at people ……………….
  3. Nasir lives in the city ……………….
  4. Radha’s mother enjoys doing things with her ……………….


  1. False
  2. False
  3. False
  4. True

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Part II - Multiple Intelligences

Question A.Each one of us is skilled or good at something. But do you know that different people are intelligent in different ways?

Answer: Every person differs in the quality of intelligence and it can be divided into six groups

  1. Visual intelligence
  2. Verbal intelligence
  3. Mathematical intelligence
  4. Bodily intelligence
  5. Musical intelligence
  6. Interpersonal intelligence


  1. Visual Intelligence People with visual intelligence create mental images and enjoy looking at maps. They are good at sketching and painting. Such people can become navigator, inventor and engineer.
  2. Verbal Intelligence People with verbal intelligence speak well and think in words rather than picture. They are good at speaking, writing and teaching. Such people can become poet, journalist, writer and teacher.
  3. Mathematical Intelligence Such people use reason and numbers and logic. They like to ask questions and do experiments. They are good at solving puzzles. They can become scientist, engineer, researcher and mathematician.
  4. Bodily Intelligence People with bodily intelligence control their body movements and handle objects skillfully. They are good in dancing, acting and can express emotions through their bodies. They can become dancer, athlete, teacher and actor.
  5. Musical Intelligence Such people play and enjoy music. They understand rhythms and patterns of sounds. They are good at singing, playing instruments and recognising tunes. They can become musician, singer and composer.
  6. Interpersonal Intelligence Such people try to see things from other’s point of view in order to understand how they think or feel. They are good at organising things, cooperating with groups, noticing people’s moods, communicating and building trust. They can become counsellor, salesperson and teacher.


A.Fill in the blanks to name the different kinds of intelligence.

One has been done for you. When I enjoy listening to people and solving their problems I use my interpersonal intelligence.
  1. When I enjoy dancing or physical activity, I use my ……….. intelligence.
  2. When I enjoy looking at maps and examining pictures I use my ……….. intelligence.
  3. When I enjoy working with numbers and solving maths problems I use my …………. intelligence.
  4. When I enjoy telling a story or arguing, I use my ………….. intelligence.


  1. bodily
  2. visual
  3. mathematical
  4. verbal


A.Match the job on the left with its description on the right.

  1. Navigator ————— (a) Advises people what to do about jobs, personal problems, etc.
  2. Architect ————— (b) Works in politics, usually by standing for election.
  3. Politician ————— (c) Finds and monitors the route to get to a place, or the direction of travel.
  4. Engineer ————— (d) Reports on recent news for newspaper, radio, or TV.
  5. Computer ————— (e) Plans the design of a building, programmer town, or city.
  6. Athlete ————— (f) Controls and puts together a programme of music.
  7. Disc jockey ————— (g) Works in sports or activities such as running, jumping, etc.
  8. Composer ————— (h) Designs and builds things like roads, bridges, or engines.
  9. Counsellor ————— (i) Makes up notes to create music.
  10. Journalist ————— (j) Designs the system by which a computer runs or gives information.


  1. (c)
  2. (e)
  3. (b)
  4. (h)
  5. (j)
  6. (g)
  7. (f)
  8. (i)
  9. (a)
  10. (d)


A.Write a paragraph about yourself so that people who read it will get to know you better. You could write about yourself from any point of view or choose one of the following topics.

  • What I enjoy doing most
  • What makes me angry
  • What I hate to do
  • What I want to become

(Remember to give a reason or details of what you write about, so that anyone reading it will understand you better.)

After you have finished your paragraph affix your photo on the sheet and display it on the wall. Read each other’s paragraphs. Did you understand someone else better after you had read what he/she wrote?

I enjoy playing with my friends every evening, talk to my friends and read detective stories. I believe in hard work as it rewards us later in life.

I become angry if somebody pulls my legs and insults me. When somebody comments on my caste, religion and family background, all these make me angry.

But, I hate those people who lie and cheat others. I also hate children who do not respect their parents and talk in a rude manner with their elders.

I want to be a lawyer in the Supreme Court of India and will work against the culprit. Innocent people should get justice and culprit should be put behind the bars.


Question A.Why does Radha’s mother tell her it is not suitable for girls to climb trees? Find points to agree with Radha or her mother. Plan what you will say by making notes like this:

1. Girls should be able to climb trees if they wish
  1. ............
  2. ............
  3. ............


  1. It can be a good exercise for our body.
  2. It can be adventurous for them and encourage them to perform other such activities.
  3. It is an interesting game.

2. Girls should not to be allowed to climb trees.


  1. It is game which suits only boys.
  2. It involves the risk of being hurt and should be avoidable.
  3. Girls will lose their charm if they will perform such activities.

3.Now divide the class into two groups. Present to the rest of the class the opinion of Radha who thinks there is no harm in girls climbing trees and of her mother who thinks girls should not do this.

Answer:Students are requested to do this on their own.

Question B.Sit in a circle so that you can see each other. Each one must talk to complete the following sentence in your own way.
“What makes me very angry is…”
Remember to listen with respect and without comment to each person as he/she speaks.

Answer:For self-attempt