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Subject :Maths    Class : Class 8

Which of the following statements is true?

A 5/7<7/9<9/11<11/13
B 11/13<9/11<7/9<5/7
C 5/7<11/13<7/9<9/11
D 5/7<9/11<11/13<7/9

I think answer is A as because 9/11=0.818 and 11/13=0.846So B cannot be true.

Ans 1:

Class : >Class 8
The answer for this question is A but given as B. Lost one mark for this.kindly check.

Ans 2:

Class : >Class 8
The answer of this question is given as B whereas it's solutions says that the answer is option A. I lost one mark for this . So this is for the question makers kind perusel.

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